
Showing posts from 2008


Time for reflection, at least in our household. Someone asked me once, "What are you thankful for?" A response I heard from a friend at church went something like, "all of the things that didn't happen to me this week." It took me a few minutes to wrap my head around that, but it does present an interesting point of view. I didn't lose my job. No one in my family was diagnosed with an incurable disease. My wife (who has been traveling a bit lately) hasn't been in a car accident. While our financial resources are stretched, God has provided what we need to meet our needs and obligations. While I have a slight touch of a cold/flu, I'm not bedridden. (OK, I am a guy, therefore I must whine when I'm sick!) Gas prices continue to stay lower (except for that $.14 bounce in one day...what's up with that?), our family is healthy, our friends are doing well, and despite all the gloom and doom that everyone is spouting in the media about the economic...


Just had another thought I'd like to share. It's interesting what one can find out when they go do a little on-line research in the public domain. My opponent in the recent election raised over $40,000 for his campaign. Awesome! From the financial records posted, it appears that only ONE of those donations ($500) came from an individual, and that individual doesn't reside in the district. All the rest of the donations were from what appears to be political action committees, with some of them being out-of-state entities, and the address of one of the PAC's being the same as the address of the one individual contributor. I raised approximately $4,000, from friends and family, and business owners in the district. Only one of my donations came from a political action committee ($150). My opponent was so flush with cash that he even donated $10,000 to the House Truman Fund. So....was the election about issues and who really will represent the people of the Northeast side...


Just a quick observation today. President-elect Obama was all about "change", and "getting rid of the Washington insiders", etc., etc. Interesting that as of today, the majority of the people he has named to prominent positions on his transition team are all Washington insiders and/or previously involved in the Clinton administration.... help me understand how that is "change"? ...just my two cents worth today. --Larry Voorhees

In the meantime...

I've always been an avid reader. When I was a kid, my folks would always be getting after me, because rather than doing chores (or homework), I'd almost always have my nose buried in a book. Absolutely loved the Hardy Boys series, and Tom Swift, Jr. I guess I had a real taste for action/adventure stuff. As I got older, and was living out west, I discovered Louis L'Amour, and especially his Sackett Series. In the past year or so, one of my students (who also is a pastor) and I have taken to writing action/adventure novels. These have been a great deal of fun for us, and I thought I'd share them with you. Well, at least with those of you that like reading that sort of thing. How to describe them? Well, action/adventure, with a martial arts twist, drama, intrigue, plot twists, mystery....pretty well sprinkled with a strong spiritual base, as well. If you're truly interested, we've published the first two in the series on You can see the "brag...

2500 people

That's the difference. I will need to be able to make the time to get out and speak to 2500 more people in 2010 than I did this year. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering I started my campaign in late August this year. Based on the reactions I received from the people I spoke with this year when I was door-knocking, I am convinced that if people have the opportunity to make an informed decision, they will find that I represent ideas and convictions that are more in-line with their own than my opponent does. But, in the absence of information to the contrary, they simply do "what they have always done", which is vote by party-line. One thing I've learned from my years in the ring as a sparring competitor. Every time I lose a match, I learn something. And I make sure that I use that new knowledge the next time I get into the ring with that same person, and I make certain that I win the rematch. There will be a rematch. The result will be different. my tw...

Time for a change!

Today is your opportunity to make a difference. The big theme we've been hearing from everyone this year is "change". Well, everyone, that is, except those currently in office. Well, for those who wish to keep the government's hands out of our pockets, and who would like to have people in the State House that are willing to listen to and be accountable to the people of the district they are supposed to represent, we believe it IS time for a change. Today, your voice and your vote will be heard. I need at least 3,500 to 4,000 people in our district to decide that enough is enough, and it's time we brought some common sense back into the state house. I need those people...I need vote for me today. --Larry Voorhees

Redistribution of the Wealth

A friend of mine sent me this today, and it was simply too thought-provoking to pass up. Redistribution of wealth Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign the read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed-just imagine the coincidence. Suddenly, it hit me. An experiment is in order. I asked the server, did he really believe that Obama's platform was a good one? Yes, he did. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need - the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10, and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful. At the end ...

Who I am, and Why I'm running

Let me begin with a couple of quotes. " WE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF IOWA, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of those blessings, do ordain and establish a free and independent government, by the name of the State of Iowa." Any idea where that's from? Correct...that is the Preamble to the Constitution of the State of Iowa. How about this next one? "Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain." You guessed it...that's the State Motto. It can be found on our State flag, and elsewhere. My name is Larry Voorhees, and I’m applying for a job. The job I’m applying for is to represent the people of Northeast Des Moines in the Iowa House of Representatives. I’m asking you to hire me and allow me the privilege of serving you, the 68th District, and being your voice in the State Capitol, for the next 2 years. With that said, I feel it only fair that I tell you a little bit ...

Meet the Candidate Neighborhood meeting/fundraiser/rally

Thursday, October 9th, there will be a Meet the Candidate event. The public is invited to come to the office of The Entertainment Group, 2400 Easton Blvd, in Des Moines. There will be free food and refreshments, and some games for the kids, so please bring your whole family, your friends, and your neighbors. This will be an opportunity for voters on the Northeast Side of Des Moines to meet me, and for me to meet you, and hear what you have to say. This is your opportunity to make your voices heard. I truly covet your input and want to take advantage of every possible opportunity to speak with you and listen to your ideas and concerns. I've said it person CAN make a difference. Each and every vote and voter is important. So, please...come join with me and your neighbors on October 9th, from 6-8 PM at the Entertainment Group, 2400 Easton Blvd. I look forward to seeing you there. --Larry Voorhees

New Wind blowing in NE Des Moines

My wife and I spent a goodly amount of time this past weekend knocking on doors. The weather was beautiful, and the people we had the opportunity to meet were just as beautiful. It's been amazing. The response we get from people we meet has been overwhelmingly positive. We knock on the door, and tell folks that I'm running for the Iowa House to represent our neighborhood and district, and that my number one goal is to try and bring more "common sense" back into the State House. That seems to be striking a chord with almost everyone we're speaking with. It seems that the vast majority of the people in our district (NE Des Moines) are thinking that "common sense" is something that has been sorely lacking in the legislature lately, and vast majority of people don't believe that they have been well-represented at all. The feel that we 're getting from the people we're speaking with is that it's time for a change. It's time to bring ...

Indomitable Spirit

Indomitable Spirit. That capacity we have for continuing on in the face of overwhelming odds, knowing that we will be victorious, because we are doing the "next right thing". When I first decided to run for the State House, I was met with a bit of skepticism. Friends, family, even people in the party...the response was never overtly "you're gonna get your butt kicked", but it generally ran along the lines of, "good luck with that". I have been told that it is impossible for the people in District #68 to elect me, because the majority of the people in our district simply vote for whomever they are told to vote for. Or they vote for the incumbent, because it's "easy". Odd. With the hundreds and hundreds of doors we've knocked on, the overwhelming response that we have been getting from people is that not only are they excited that they will finally have a choice on the ballot this time, but they are more than ready for a change i...


Hot fudge malts, with extra hot fudge, made with chocolate ice cream. There's a little shop in our district on Hubbell that my wife and I drool and swoon about during those long, cold winter months. Then, magically, usually in April, we'll happen to drive by the shop and notice that they're open. Yay! Grandma's is open! And we can indulge in our favorite shared treat. I tell you, in my opinion, nobody makes a hot fudge malt with extra hot fudge and chocolate ice cream better than the folks at Grandma's Sweet Shop. And we indulge during the summer. At least once a week, usually more often. Fortunately for our waistlines, we both tend to be quite active in the summer. My wife is forever doing something in the yard with her flowers. I tend to be also working in the yard more, or kicking at class more often. In any event, those wonderful hot fudge malts tend not to add to our waistlines. However, as the weather gets cooler, we tend to be less active outdoors, ...

Helping people realize they matter

Over the past few days, I've spoken with many people who have listened politely, and then made some comment to the effect of, "But I'm only one person. I don't count for much." I've heard others say something similar, especially when it comes to encouraging them to vote. "I'm only one vote, and one vote doesn't make a difference". One person DOES make a difference. In fact, that is the ONLY thing that makes a difference, is each individual. I believe we need to encourage our society that the individual IS important, and that we, as a collective group of individuals, have the ability to impact change. "Change". That's been the buzzword this year, hasn't it? Everybody seems to be clamoring for "change", from every soapbox and in every stump-speech. But humans don't like "change". We tend to be creatures of habit. Think about it...many would prefer to remain in an uncomfortable or unfavorable pos...

Beat the Streets

Well, we've begun our door-to-door campaign. The Boss and I hit well over 100 households in about 4 hours, and received very favorable responses. It's amazing how many people have no idea who the incumbent is. Several we ran across had no idea that in our district, the Representative is someone from their very own neighborhood, not some distant person from some other town. So perhaps that is the greater purpose of this educate the electorate as to exactly what impact they can have on individual campaigns and on the election in general. I've run across many people over the years who take the approach of, "well, I'm only one voice. I can't make any difference. Besides, it's all politics." Hello! That's what 'politics' is supposed to be all about! One person, making their voice heard, in chorus with other like-minded people. It begins with an individual, and grows into a solid wave of people united for a common good. How many ti...


Perseverance is that capacity that we have for knowing that a course of action is the "right" one, and continuing to hold that course, even when faced with adversity. Now, this is not to be confused with "pig-headed" or "stubborn". It is a celebration of the virtue of working through the tough, boring, repetitive times. It is also the ability to continue to drive and lead, in the direction of positive change, toward a well-defined goal. It takes perseverance to achieve a black belt. Hours, which become years, of training and exhertion. It also takes perseverance to become an elected official. However, these are two different things. Becoming a black belt is an individualistic goal. One must have the personal desire to become a black belt. You cannot be successful in your quest to achieve black belt status if your motivation and drive are not intrinsic. You can't become a black belt "for" someone else. On the other hand, I believe that i...


Integrity. Knowing "right" from "wrong", and choosing the next right thing, regardless of who is watching, or especially, if no one is watching. Some folks really struggle with this concept today. Many will say that there is no "right" or "wrong". It all depends on the person, their personal value set, the circumstances, the situation, their background and upbringing, and society's current norms. Let me see if I can find a single, succinct word that sums up my feelings on that approach. Baloney. That mindset smacks of something I call "situational ethics" or "values of the moment". It means that the individual who holds to that value set has no foundation. They have nothing to base their bedrock beliefs on, because it can shift or change from moment to moment, from situation to situation. "It all depends". Baloney. I have heard it said that "there are many paths up the mountain." I won't disa...


I have heard this described in any number of ways. One of my favorites is: "treating others better than you would like to be treated". Courtesy, in its most basic form, boils down to "respect". Respect for an individual, respect for their personhood, respect for their God-given rights. Respect. Is it possible to have respect for an individual, yet disagree with their position on a particular issue? Absolutely. One of my dearest friends in the world is a woman in Minnesota, whom I will call "Anne". No need to use her real name. I've known Anne for years. We've worked together on many projects, and in many instances, she has been a coach and mentor to me, along with scores of other people. We have developed a deep and abiding friendship for each other. However, Anne and I are diametrically opposed on some very basic, very core parts of our lives. I am a Christian. Anne is an atheist. I am quite conservative in my views. Anne is so far left, she's...

The plot thickens...

Hmmm. Seems like Mrs. C has been pushing to have her name placed in nomination at the Dem. convention. It will provide "catharsis", as she puts it. Even CNN seems to understand how thinly veiled this is... --Larry Voorhees

Heart of a Servant

As a Taekwondo Instructor, I frequently have a talk with my black belts about "what it means to be a black belt". We talk about how important it is for them to be living examples of the concepts of Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit. I remind them that, whether they want to be or not, they are and will always be leaders, because someone is always going to be watching them. I remind them that as Black Belts, we constantly lead "by example". People may not know our names, may not even care who we are, but as soon as they know that we're Black Belts, their mental image of what a "black belt" is will instantly be affected by what they see us do, what they hear us say, and how they see us interact with the people around us. I sum this up to my Black Belt students by reminding them that the "heart of a Black Belt is the Heart of a Servant." This "heart of a servant" attitude is sometimes hard to ins...

Seems like I'm not the only one....

..that thinks the Dems might want to keep an eye on Mrs. C at the convention. Here's what the Communist News Network (aka, CNN) has to say about it: --Larry Voorhees

Speaking of Mrs. C...

Had a wild, random thought last night (it happens). This whole thing about John Edwards, and his affair, and it being "common knowledge" in the media, but it wasn't broken until the National Enquirer chased it to ground... Who does this whole thing serve the most? In my opinion, Mrs. C is best-served by this event, and the timing of it being "outed". Walk with me on this for a minute, if you will. Mrs. C has been quietly (or not-so-quietly) urging that individual delegates be permitted to cast their votes for whomever they chose at the upcoming convention. Sure, sure, she admits that Mr. O has more delegates than she does, but she wants to give her delegates some vindication or whatever. Now, Mr. Edwards, when he bowed out of the race, "released" his delegates. They are free to vote for whomever. Then, after a period of time (and it looked like Mr. O would lock up the nomination), Mr. E throws his verbal support to Mr. O. But nowhere in that equati...

Unrepentant Republican

I saw this quote from Mrs. Clinton in a news story today: On Friday, Clinton seemed to agree. At an Obama rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, she said, "We had a hard-fought campaign, and it was exciting. It was a bit like the proverbial roller coaster, but we are now unified and ready to go forward together. "And it is imperative that each and every one of us think about how we're going to help in this election," she said. "We are one party, we share one vision, and we believe as Democrats, as independents and repentant Republicans, in the progress we can make together!" I started chuckling at the phrase "repentant Republicans". Spoken as if those poor, misguided people who previously have held conservative views were simply uneducated, or making poor choices, but thank the Mother Earth goddess, they have come back to their senses! What arrogance. What cheek. What unmitigated gall. Mrs. C's statements imply that those of us that believe in the sa...

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

We have a budget set up for our household. X-number of dollars is set aside for paying the house payment, x-number of dollars is set aside for making the car payment, x-number of dollars is budgeted for food, clothing, gas, etc. How responsible of me would it be to take, say, $100 from the mortgage payment, and decided to spend it on more food, or more gas, or on a fancy night out? Wouldn't that upset the delicate balance of our household budget? I don't know about your household, but we simply can't afford to be that lackadaisical with our finances. I don't know of too many people that can. Yet, there are those who think nothing of taking money that has been brought into the state coffers for one thing, and simply "re-assigning" it to something else. To me, that smells of "bait-and-switch". I was told that this amount of my tax dollars was being collected for this particular budget item, but wait! Now it's being spent on something else! Res...

Welcome to Uncommon Common Sense

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to this blog. A word about the title... It has been my observation in the past several years, that something my momma used to talk about (i.e., "common sense") appears to be sadly lacking today. I see it in my workplace, I see it in the day-to-day operations of our city and state, and, unfortunately, I see it in a larger sense in our society in general. Let me take just one item that, to me, is a no-brainer. The proposed Marriage Amendment to the Iowa Constitution. I can find nowhere in history where "marriage" has been defined in any other way than as a union between one man and one woman. Yet we have those in our society today who would try to change that definition. I would submit that if one were to study the history of previous civilizations, that within 100 years of the allowance/acceptance of non-standard unions, the family structure of those societies fractured, and, ultimately, those societies fell...