Indomitable Spirit

Indomitable Spirit. That capacity we have for continuing on in the face of overwhelming odds, knowing that we will be victorious, because we are doing the "next right thing".
When I first decided to run for the State House, I was met with a bit of skepticism. Friends, family, even people in the party...the response was never overtly "you're gonna get your butt kicked", but it generally ran along the lines of, "good luck with that".
I have been told that it is impossible for the people in District #68 to elect me, because the majority of the people in our district simply vote for whomever they are told to vote for. Or they vote for the incumbent, because it's "easy".

Odd. With the hundreds and hundreds of doors we've knocked on, the overwhelming response that we have been getting from people is that not only are they excited that they will finally have a choice on the ballot this time, but they are more than ready for a change in the representation of our district. The people of our district are ready for someone who will be responsive to their wants/needs. They are ready for someone who will respond to their emails, phone calls and letters. They are ready to get rid of the "good ol' boy" syndrome and cronyism that seems to permeate the current status quo.

From what people who have been greeting us at their doors are telling us, the people of district #68 are ready for change. They are ready for someone to be working for Iowa's tomorrow today. They are no longer content to simply "go with the flow", but want someone in the State House who will help them re-direct the flow so that it benefits everyone, not just a select few.

I've never been one to believe that I'm beaten before I've begun. In fact, every time I step into the ring at a tournament, I tell myself that I've already won the match, I just need the other guy in the ring for me to score points on so that the result is "official". That's not arrogance, that's having an Indomitable Spirit.

I am so pleased to see that the people of district #68 have common sense, and a measure of Indomitable Spirit. The people we've had the chance to meet and speak with aren't willing to simply roll over and do what they're told. They have a brain, they have a voice, and they're not afraid to use them both to bring about the changes in our district and our state that need to happen.

We've already won. We just need you to show up at the polls on Nov. 4th so that we can "score the points" on the opponent, so that the results can be official.

I'm looking forward to meeting many more of you in the weeks to come, and thank you for your support.

--Larry Voorhees


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