So the new promotion that takes effect May 1? Actually it "officially" takes effect May 1. I started performing those duties yesterday. Got to have my first team meeting with the crew, they got to meet their new "boss man", I got to do my impersonation of King Solomon to solve a minor issue, and I have my first meeting with some state contract directors and my senior manager on Monday.
It's a good thing I don't really mind change.
I think that's one thing that I've learned over the years...flexibility.
I didn't used to be that way. I used to be pretty inflexible and rigid. Everything was black and white. It made it simpler. Or so I thought at the time.
But as I've gotten older and gained more experience, I've learned that there are a few very important places to stand firm, but most everything else, I've learned to be the willow tree. The willow tree rarely gets knocked over by a strong wind. It bends, it flows, but it doesn't get uprooted. The oak, on the other hand, can stand strong and solid. Until a wind that is stronger comes along. Then it might become uprooted, or have broken branches, leaving these huge scars in the main trunk.
Flexibility is something that most of us tend to lose, physically, as we get older. I know it's happened to me. I don't kick as high as I used to. And if I get kicking really hard, my right hip starts fussing at me. I've never been extremely flexible, but I know I'm not nearly as flexible now as I was when I was 40. Or 30. But in dealing with "stuff", i.e., people, circumstances, events...I've become much more flexible. Sure, there are a few inflexibilities in my life...God, family, country...but outside of that...I've found that no matter what circumstance may arise, God has a plan. I simply need to surrender to His will and not try to force MY will.
The old saying is, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." I've always been most successful if I start by petting the cat. Then I may find that I don't have to go through the whole distasteful process of skinning it. Perhaps a better saying is, "There are many paths up the mountain, but the view from the top is the same." I've learned over the years that while I have ideas that I think are awesome, there are other people in the world who are at least as clever or brilliant or creative or whatever. I don't have the market cornered on those things. I do best when I hear what others have to say, rather than insisting on my way always being the "right" way.
So, I've learned to be more flexible. Physically, I'm taking a Tai Chi class to try and maintain some of my flexibility. I think that helps me remember to approach life in a "flexible" state. I try to be at least as flexible with people, jobs, and circumstances.
Now...somebody want to help me tie my shoes...?
My two cents worth today.