Deer 5, Larry 0

OK, so the son-in-law and I went out 2 days, saw lots of tracks, lots of fresh sign, and zero deer. *sigh*
I have another go at it with Late Muzzleloader season in late December/early January in southern Iowa, so hopefully will nail something then.

Still working on the books. We're up to Chapter 17 in Book 3. My hopes of having the draft done by Thanksgiving simply didn't materialize. With the schedule looking like it does, we'll be lucky to have the draft done by the end of the year. There's at least a dozen more chapters to go, and more likely, closer to 20, before the story in book 3 is completely told. We're also working on Book 4, but that one is going slower. We're taking a new twist in direction on Book 4, so getting both of us to re-gear our minds to wrap around the concepts is taking a bit longer than we originally thought. The rough outlines are done, now it's simply a matter of having enough time for the two of us to sit down and block out the rest of the world long enough to put some meaningful time into it.

Finding that writing doesn't work well when done in small chunks. For myself, I need to have at least a couple of hours, so I can immerse myself in the story-line and the characters again. It gets really frustrating to get into the world of the book, then get pulled back into this reality, then try to get back into the book, know what I'm saying?

On another note, I was making a serious effort to lose some weight. Managed to lose 6 pounds since the first of September. Over Thanksgiving, I'm pretty sure I found them again. Rats...
Oh well....back at it. :)

and that's my two cents worth for today.
--Larry Voorhees


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