Whose House is it, anyway?

Well, I guess I'll have to blame my public school education. For years, I was taught that the House of Representatives was the "People's House".
Turns out that I was wrong, as proven by Speaker Murphy at the Iowa House of Representatives last night. He cleared the gallery. It seems that the vast majority of "the people" in "the people's house" are able to see through this blatant attempt to redistribute money from one group of people to another group of people.
And, as is usually the case, there still seems to be some "gray" about whether or not all of the money would be used for "tax relief".
First problem: taxing a tax.
Second problem: making Joe Public over here essentially give money to Joe Public over there.
Third problem: very thinly veiled communism, in my opinion.
Fourth problem: Robin Hood was fiction. THIS stuff, on the other hand, is very very real.

"The People" are not going to stand for this. Say goodbye to your cushy part-time gig you've had for 30+ years, Mr. Murphy. This is one major faux pax on your part that will NOT be forgotten.

Same thing for any of you legislators foolish enough to vote for this crap.

---my two cents worth today.

--Larry Voorhees


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